雪女 (Yuki Onna) The Legend of the Snow Woman


With summer drawing to an end and winter fast approaching, thoughts turn to shorter days and longer bitterly cold nights. To me there is nothing better than making a hot cup of tea, turning up the heating and settling down to read a good book, as the frigid wind and rain batter the house. In Japan however luxuries such as central heating are only reserved for people residing in Hokkaido (Northern Japan). In Tokyo winters are harsh and once you get cold, it turns into an art form trying to get warm again. Deaths of the elderly during this time are quiet common. Turn back the clocks to the Edo period and deaths were a daily occurrence, but it wasn’t the cold, improper heating or poor insulation that were to blame. No, instead people told tales of 雪女 (Yuki Onna) The Legend of the Snow Woman.

Over decades this Yokai has become on of the most renowned female spirits in Japan and has been blamed for the deaths of countless people. She goes by many names, most commonly is Yuki Onna (Snow Woman), but others include Yukinba (Snow Hag), Yuki Onago (Snow Wench) and Yukijoro (Snow Harlot). All positive names as you can see.

She is described as being a tall, elegant woman, with long black flowing hair and ice blue lips. Her skin is deathly white and has even been depicted as being almost transparent. Wearing a long snow white kimono, she glides across the ground effortlessly, leaving no foot prints. Some even say that she has no feet.

Encounters happened on snowy nights near the mountains of Japan. If you are unfortunate to come across her in most cases it is too late, your fate has been sealed. It is said that she preys on hikers who have become stranded on the side of mountains, draining their vitality until they freeze to death. Other legends speak of her siren like powers to lure men in with her beauty before freezing them where they stand. Even more sinister are stories that tell of parents who have lost a young child. As they go out into the snowy night they come across a woman holding what appears to be a their child. Taking the child from the woman’s arms and before they release what is happening they are frozen to death.

The most popular tale told of Yuki Onna was written by Lafacdio Hearn. The story tells of two woodsman, in the mountains of Japan, who become stranded due to an frightful wintry storm. Taking refuge in a wooden shack they both bed down for the night. Noises woke the younger of the two, who witnessed a woman dressed as white as snow, hunched over his friend seemingly draining all life from him. Before the young man could act, the woman turned to face him. Luck would appear to be on his side, as she took petty on him, sparing his life under one condition. He had to swear never to speak of her to anyone, if he did she would promptly return to seek revenge. Giving his word that he wouldn’t, he abruptly feel back to sleep.

The next morning he woke shocked to find that his friend was dead, frozen to death. Now feeling sick to his stomach, he released that it wasn’t a dream. He hesitantly gathered his things and left down the side of the mountain. While staggering down a cobbled road, he came across a young woman. He approach her asking where she was headed. She said that her name was Oyuki (a very popular name for girls in Japan meaning snow) and she was headed for Tokyo. The man offered to escort her most of the way. They never arrived at Tokyo however, as they feel deeply in love.

They settled down to a quiet life in the countryside, where they married and over the years had nine health boys and girls. Years and decades passed, with the man never uttering a world of Yuki Onna. Until one night he turned to his wife saying that she reminded him of someone. Without pause for thought he told her all about that night and the death of his friend.

His wife’s expression changed. She drew herself closer to him and under a whispered breath said “I was the woman who killed your friend and now you have broken your oath to me”. However she didn’t take her revenge, instead she spared him a second time, demanding that he care and look after their nine children. After giving these instructions she transformed into an icy fog, floating up the chimney, never to be seen again.

So next time you are out on a snowy night, it might be good idea to wrap up warm and beware of woman dressed in all white.

Thanks for reading and all the best.

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