Mary Roff (#3)

Mr. Roff in all honesty couldn’t believe what he was seeing, nor for that matter could anyone else in the room. After entering her last trance, the person that came back round wasn’t Lurancy at all, but in fact the spirit of Mary Roff, who had died in 1865. Not only did she claim to […]

Mary Roff (#2)

Mary Lurancy Vennum was born on 16th of April, 1864, near Watseka a year before the death of Mary Roff. For most of her early years Mary led a normal life free from worries and stress. That was until the beginning of 1877 when she started to complain of hearing voices during the night. The […]

Mary Roff (#1)

On the 8th of October 1846 a girl by the name of Mary Roff was born in Warren County Indiana. From a very young age she began to suffer from violent epileptic seizures. At first they were intermittent, but over some time they became a twice daily routine. These constant seizures took there toll on […]

The Berners Street Hoax

Everyone likes a good practical joke from time to time. Just a quick search on YouTube and you’ll find hundreds of videos and channels of people pranking each other. Some are spontaneous and others have taken months of planning. Many of which claim to be the biggest practical joke ever. And yes some are funny, […]

The Murder Hotel

I’m sure like me, most of you have at some point in your lives stayed at a hotel, that doesn’t quite meet your expectations. Maybe the room was dirty, shower didn’t work properly, no hot water in the mornings, or god forbid there were no biscuits in the room. Maybe the last one is just […]

The Philadelphia Experiment 

On a brisk, calm October morning in 1943 the USS Eldridge seemingly vanished into a poof of vivid bluish, green smoke, while docked at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The ship was miraculously teleported 200 miles (320km) to Norfolk, Virginia, where she was spotted by the crew of the SS Andrew Furuseth. Before any contact could […]

Countess Dracula #2

This is the second part to my post on Elizabeth Bathory. Here I discuss the evidence and subsequent trail, that was brought against Countess Bathory and her accomplices. And my thoughts on what happened.

Countess Dracula #1

When you think of a serial killer, what springs to mind? I’m sure most would imagine a middle aged creepy looking man, isolated from society, secretive about their private life and withdrawn in nature. I doubt however, many of you imagine a woman of noble birth, with the grace, beauty and elegance of royalty. Let […]

The Ship of the Dead

Some time in or around June 1947, ships in the Strait of Malacca reported to have received a distress call in Morse code from a ship identifying itself as the Dutch freighter S.S. Ourang Medan. The message read “All officers, including captain are dead, lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” After a […]